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High-Performance Structured Linear Operators

Indigo implements a collection of routines for constructing and evaluating high-performance linear operators on multicore and accelerator platforms.


From Python Package Index

pip install indigo

From source

  1. Install Anaconda or Miniconda.
  2. Download indigo.
    git clone
    cd indigo
  3. Create a conda environment and install indigo’s dependences.
    conda env create --file requirements.txt

    With gcc

    conda develop -b .

    With icc

    LDSHARED='icc -shared' CC=icc conda develop -b .

    For the optional customgpu backend (requires nvcc)

    make -C indigo/backends
  4. (Optional) Run the test suite.


See in the examples directory.

Available Backends

Indigo provides three backends. Users need not change any application code to move between them.

To select a backend, import and instantiate it:

from indigo.backends import get_backend
b = get_backend('cuda', device_id=1)

Available Operators

Indigo provides a number of classes for constructing structured linear operators.

Simple Operators

Simple operators implement linear transformations directly via high-performance libraries.

Diagonal Matrix (indigo.operators.Diag)

Diagonal Matrix Image

Sparse Matrix (indigo.operators.SpMatrix)

Sparse Matrix Image

Dense Matrix (indigo.operators.DenseMatrix)

Dense Matrix Image

DFT Matrix (indigo.operators.UnscaledFFT)

DFT Matrix Image Supports 3D FFTs. 1D and 2D TBD.

Composite Operators

Composite operators represent a collection of operators arranged in some structured way.

BlockDiag Matrix (indigo.operators.BlockDiag)

Block Diagonal Matrix

Represents different submatrices arranged along a diagonal.

KronI Matrix (indigo.operators.KronI)

KronI Matrix

The KronI operator represents repetition of the same submatrix along a diagonal.

VStack Matrix (indigo.operators.VStack)

VStack Matrix

Represents different submatrices stacked vertically. Akin to scipy.sparse.vstack.

HStack Matrix (indigo.operators.HStack)

Currently unimplemented. Consider using VStack and Adjoint:

HStack(A,B) = Adjoint( VStack( Adjoint(A), Adjoint(B) ) )

Product Matrix (indigo.operators.Product)

Product Matrix

Adjoint Matrix (indigo.operators.Adjoint)

Adjoint Matrix

Derived Operators

We can combine the aforementioned operators to implement higher-level functionality.

Unitary DFT matrix (indigo.operators.UnitaryFFT)

UFFT Matrix

The scaling effect of the DFT can be undone by an elementwise multiplication, represented in Indigo as a diagonal matrix.

Centered DFT matrix (indigo.operators.CenteredFFT)

CFFT Matrix

A centered DFT consists of an FFT Shift, followed by a standard FFT, followed by another FFT Shift.

Non-uniform Fourier Transform (indigo.operators.NUFFT)

NUFFT Matrix

Indigo implements an NUFFT as a product of diagonal, FFT, and general sparse matrices (for apodization, FFT, and interpolation, respectively).


  1. What datatypes are supported? indigo only support single-precision complex floating point numbers at the moment, but it’s not a fundamental limitation.