Source code for pygas

Doc string.

from __future__ import division

import timeit # for timer context manager
import atexit   # for registering gasnet_exit at termination

from cPickle import loads as deserialize
from cPickle import dumps as serialize

import gasnet
from gasnet import apply_dynamic


THREADS = gasnet.nodes()
MYTHREAD = gasnet.mynode()


Use enums to do dynamic dispatch inside handler. We may want to
write standalone handlers for each eventually.
CALL    = 2

[docs]def apply_dynamic_handler(data): """ Doc string. """ op, capsule, name, args, kwargs = deserialize(data) obj = gasnet.capsule_to_obj(capsule) if capsule else __builtins__ if op is GETATTR: result = getattr(obj,name) elif op is SETATTR: result = setattr(obj, name, args[0]) elif op is CALL: result = getattr(obj,name)(*args,**kwargs) elif op is RESOLVE: result = obj else: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot apply op: %s" % op) return serialize(result)
[docs]class Proxy(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, obj, owner=MYTHREAD): """ Initialize this proxy for the given object. To avoid conflicts with __setattr__, use the superclass' version of the method. """ object.__setattr__(self, "capsule", gasnet.obj_to_capsule(obj)) object.__setattr__(self, "owner", owner)
def __getstate__(self): """ Return an object representing the state of this proxy. """ return (self.capsule, self.owner) def __setstate__(self, state): """ Reconstruct the object state from the pickle representation. STATE is a tuple of the form: (self.capsule, self.owner) """ object.__setattr__(self, "capsule", state[0]) object.__setattr__(self, "owner", state[1])
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): """ Get a copy of a remote attribute. """ #from time import time #times = {} #times['A'] = time() data = serialize((GETATTR, self.capsule, name, None, None)) #times['B'] = time() result = apply_dynamic(self.owner, data) #times['I'] = time() answer = deserialize(result) #times['J'] = time() #for k in times.keys(): # print " %s %2.23f" % (k, times[k]), #print "0 %d" % len(answer) return answer
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Set a remote attribute to a copy of a local object. """ from pygas.gasnet import apply_dynamic data = serialize((SETATTR, self.capsule, name, [value], None)) result = apply_dynamic(self.owner, data) return deserialize(result)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): from pygas.gasnet import apply_dynamic data = serialize((CALL, self.capsule, '__call__', args, kwargs)) result = apply_dynamic(self.owner, data) return deserialize(result)
[docs] def resolve(self): """ Return a copy of a object? Replace with proxy and move object to caller? """ from pygas.gasnet import apply_dynamic data = serialize((RESOLVE, self.capsule, None, None, None)) result = apply_dynamic(self.owner, data) return deserialize(result)
[docs]def share(obj, from_thread=0): """ Doc string. """ if MYTHREAD == from_thread: return broadcast(Proxy(obj), from_thread=from_thread) else: return broadcast(None, from_thread=from_thread)
[docs]def barrier(bid=0, flags=gasnet.BARRIERFLAG_ANONYMOUS): """ Doc string. """ gasnet.barrier_notify(bid, flags) gasnet.barrier_wait(bid, flags)
[docs]def broadcast(obj, from_thread=0): """ Doc string. """ if MYTHREAD == from_thread: data = serialize(obj) size = len(data) gasnet.broadcast(size, from_thread) else: size = gasnet.broadcast(0, from_thread) data = '?'*size gasnet.broadcast(data, from_thread) return deserialize(data)
[docs]class SplitTimer(object): """ A context manager to simplify timing sections of code. Use like: with SplitTimer("put %d bytes took" % msg_size): compute() """ def __init__(self, name="timer", fmt="%s %4.20f"): """ Initialize this timer with a name and printing format. """ self._name = name self._fmt = fmt self._timer = timeit.default_timer self._times = [] def __enter__(self): """ Start timing. """ self._splitstart = self._timer() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ Stop timing and print result. """ end = self._timer() self._times.append(end - self._splitstart)
[docs] def average(self): """ Average time of all splits. """ return (sum(self._times) / len(self._times)) * 1e6
[docs] def report(self): """ Return report of performance. """ return "%s %f" % (self._name, self.average())